Sunday, January 8, 2012

Debrief 9

Sorry for the lack of updates, I've been busy trying to put the pieces together with what information I have. I might as well tell you what went down at the station, since I'm sure everyone's read Zero Song's update. I wasn't there in the beginning because I was interviewing the spouse of one of her past victims, Leo to be specific. He told me Zero's real name. I won't say it just yet. I'm not even sure she knows it anymore but just in case I think this will be a chance to get the upper-hand.

What happened when I arrived at the know what happened.

The interference of "Saint", I've taken to be a good thing. I haven't heard from him since that day. I've been searching for Zero. I can't let this go unpunished. So many people, dead. I will find her. I will kill her myself. Fates be damned. I want her to suffer.